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Privacy Policy

MicroControl GmbH & Co. KG places great value on the security of your personal data. Your data will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and as stipulated in this data privacy statement which is in accordance with the German law on privacy protection (DSGVO).

In general, our websites can be visited without having to enter any personal data. With your permission, the data you supply in the contact form will be stored, processed and, where appropriate, passed on to your national MicroControl subsidiary or distribution partner. Your data will not be passed to third parties without prior consent.

Please note that data transfer on the internet (e.g. communication via email) may hold vulnerabilities. The complete protection of data from access from external parties is not possible.

Contact form

If you submit enquiries using our contact form, the data you entered in the contact form including your contact Details will be stored for procession of your enquiry and for possible future reference. We will not transfer your data to third parties without our consent.

If you would like to receive the newsletter offered in our Webpages, we will need your email address as well as the necessary information which will enable us to ascertain that you are the owner of the stated email address and agree to being sent our newsletter. Further data will not be collected. We will exclusively use your data to send the required information and will not pass them to any third party.

You can withdraw from storing your data, email address and the sending of newsletters at anytime by using our “Unsubcribe” link.


In some of our webpages we use so-called cookies. These cookies will not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain any malware. Cookies are used to make our service more convenient, more effective and more secure. Cookies are small text files which will be filed in your computer and stored in your browser.

Most of the cookies we use are so-called „session cookies“. These will be erased automatically when you leave our website. Other cookies will remain stored in your device until you delete them. These cookies enable us to recognize your browser at your next visit to our website.

You can adjust your browser as to inform you each time cookies are placed, consent to the placing of cookies in individual cases, accept cookies in certain situations or excluded them in general as well as activate the automatic delete function everytime the browser is closed. If you deactivate cookies the function of the Website may be restricted.

Server Log Files

The provider of the pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser transfers to us automatically. In particulare:

browser type and browser version

operating system

referrer URL

host name of the device

time of Server access

The data cannot be related to specific persons. The data will not be merged with data from other sources. We will reserve the right to check the data if we should get reliable indications of misuse.

Google Web Fonts

This website uses so-called web fonts for a consistant representation of fonts which is provided by Google. If a page is entered, your browser will download the necessary web fonts into your browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly. If your browser does not support web fonts, your browser, your device will use a standard font.

Further information about Google web fonts is available a https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq and in the Google privacy statement: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/


Our website uses plugins of the YouTube page which is provided by Google. The provider of the pages is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. If you visit one of our pages with a YouTube plugin, a connection with the servers of YouTube will be established and the YouTube Server will receive information about which of our pages you have visited.

If you are logged in to your YouTube account, you will enable YouTube to relate your Surfing Habits directly to our personal profile. You can prevent YouTube from doing so if you log out from your account.

Further information on handling of your user data is available in the privacy statement of YouTube at: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

SSL Encryption

This website uses SSL encryption for safety reasons and to protect confidential contents from being transferred involuntarily, e.g. enquiries you send to us as provider of the page. Encrypted connections can be recognized if the address line of the browser switches from “http://” to “https://” and the browser line shows a lock symbol.

If the SSL encryption is activated, thirds parties are not able to read the data you transfer to us.

Right to Disclosure, Erasure, Barring

At any time, you are entitled to gratuitously receive information about your personal data, its origin, recipient and the purpose of processing your data as well as to require rectification, barring or deletion of your data. I f you have further questions in this regard, please contact us at the address provided in the imprint.